
Syllabus for Intro To Digital Media ART 116 #80518
Instructor: Andrew Noble
Class Meeting: Monday and Wednesday 10:30am – 1:15pm;
Location: ART 301
Credits: 3
Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday: Tower A 105 9:25am -10:25am

Course Description:
ART 116, officially entitled “Intro to Digital Media,” is a studio course that concentrates on the basics of digital media, including imagery, sound, video, animation, and the internet. Assignments are given to engage students in both the technical and conceptual aspects of digital media. Students will employ a diverse range of techniques, as they become familiar with contemporary artistic processes involving the use of a computer. The majority of the class will consist of hands-on experimentation supplemented by discussions, videos, and further academic exploration. Our class will exist in the physical classroom and through the internet.

1.0 Overview of Intro To Digital Media:

1.1 Objectives of the Course:
•     Provide an introduction to how digital softwares are used in the production of fine art;
•     Introduce history and theory of digital art to provide a context–and potential alternative–to current practice;
•     Offer an experience in working with hybrid settings as part of collaborative teams comprised of students in various areas;
•     Review current research done in the Industry (both in the arts and design) while employing techniques of various kinds:

1.2 Learning Outcomes of the Course:
•     Students will understand the basics of digital software and tangible output
•     Students will understand the basics of contemporary digital art
•     Students will be able to translate an idea into a visual representation
•     Students will practice following a step by step procedure that starts with the birth of an idea to the completion of a final portfolio piece
•     Students will practice troubleshooting various obstacles and frustrations that are encountered while using various platforms
•     Students will be able to communicate in-person and through text their intentions behind their created work
•     Students will develop an understanding of technology and the role it will play in future careers

1.3 Units:
Unit 1. Vector
Assignment 1: Logo Design
Exercise 1:  Converting a drawing to a vector: Scanning Sketches
Project 1: Daily Routines: Infographics

Unit 2. Raster
Assignment 2: Photo Manipulation
Exercise 2: Self Portraiture
Project 2: Protest and Persuasion

Unit 3: Animation
Assignment 3: Animate your Logo in photoshop as a GIF
Exercise 3: History of Animation (web surfing treasure hunt)
Project 3: Stop Animation

Unit 4. Sound
Assignment 4: Foley Sounds
Exercise 4: Sound Journal.  One hour documentation of sounds.
Project 4: Soundscape Symphony

Unit 5. Video
Assignment 5: Personal Documentary
Exercise 5: Experimental Video Discussion
Project 5: Experimental Video (collaborative project)

Unit 6. Documentation
Assignment 6: WordPress Introduction:
Exercise 6: Portfolio/Studio Photography Demo
Project 6: Final Webpage

Unit 7. 3D Scanning
Unit 8. Processing

1.4 Bi-weekly:
Article of the week
•     research an article that reviews interesting work in the field of media we are currently covering
Artist of the week
•     find and research an artist, scientist, engineer, etc.  Who are they and why are they significant?

1.5 Grading:
Specifications of how each project is graded will be outlined with each assignment.
Overall, grades will be based on a combination of factors: collaboration with peers; quality/quantity of objects produced; idea
and reasoning behind objects produced; technical understanding of hardware and software used to create these
objects; in class participation; completeness and clarity of personal class website; final portfolio.

o Class participation (reading, discussion, teamwork, attendance)—30%
•    attendance: 10%
•    in-class effort: 5%
•    blog / reading responses: 5%
•    project critiques: 10%
o Projects —45%
•    in class exercise: 5%
•    out of class assignment: 5%
•    bi-weekly report: 5%
•    end of Unit quiz: 5%
•    final project: 25%
o Personal website for class—25%
•    documentation: 10%
•    statement and description: 10%
•    website organization (appropriate subpages, functional links): 5%

2.0 Requirements of Intro To Digital Media:

2.1 Attendance: Attendance is mandatory!
Show up to class physically and mentally ready. Attendance policy: 3 unexcused absences will result in one letter grade drop from overall final grade. 3 partial attendance (late arrivals and/or early class departures) = 1 absence. 7 or more unexcused absences will result in failing the class. Arriving more than 15 minutes after attendance has been taken and/or departing more than 30 minutes early from class will result in a partial attendance for that day. Any additional excused absences MUST be accompanied by a note from doctors, student services, or other evidence that demonstrates the need to miss additional classes. Every effort will be made to accommodate extenuating circumstances when necessary.

The procedure for taking attendance will be a doodle. Every first 10 minutes of class we will begin with a doodle on a notecard. (notecards will be provided) These cards will be collected each day.  Treat this as your warmup and transition into a classroom mindset.  There are no rules. Just doodle.
** If you are going to be late for class or miss class, email the instructor before the beginning of the session to have a digital record of your absence.

2.2 Participation:
Participation is essential in a productive classroom environment. We will engage with each other both in person and online. It is important to contribute to the conversation. Everyone will enter this class with different skill sets. Be brave and be respectful. This class is not about winning independently. If we work together we can grow exponentially.   Bring your thoughts, ideas, and concerns to our group discussions.  Lets make it interesting!

2.3 Health and Safety:
All IDM students must successfully complete (80% or better) a Health and Safety Module comprised of a 20 minute video and a 50 question quiz testing for command of information on the video. This module can be accessed through Blackboard (BB9) as follows:
1. Enroll in BB9. After logging into My ASU, go to the Blackboard link at the bottom of your class list.
2. From the Blackboard homepage, click the COURSES tab.
3. Type “SOA” into the Course Search box on the upper left.
4. The Health and Safety module should be found in the list of courses delivered from your search. Click the Course ID link for Health and Safety.
5. Click on the tiny arrow below the course title. This reveals a pull down with a link to “enroll.” Click on “enroll” and follow the prompts.
6. When self-enrollment is completed, proceed with the task (watch the video and take the quiz).
7. Once you have completed the quiz and submitted your answers, your instructor will have access to your quiz results.

Note: If you do not take the test, or pass the test by the 1st Academic Status Report, you will receive a notice of potential class failure. The test is required of all IDM students. If you get 100%, you needn’t take the test in other classes.
In addition to the quiz above, your access to the various shop spaces, portable tools, and fixed equipment is contingent upon the completion of short tutorials ensuring your understanding of a given process or tool. Your successful completion of these short tutorials will be monitored and a “shop card” will be issued that indicates you are “good to go” with a specific process. This is important for your safety, the preservation of our equipment, and the safety of your colleagues.

2.4 Text:
o A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Design, by Mary Stewart (Fourth Edition) NOT REQUIRED
Available on amazon. Available both physically and electronically.
o  Intro To Digital Media ArtCore: REQUIRED
•    Go to Search by your ISBN “9781121916982”
•    Make sure the text is for “Arizona State Univ- Tempe”
•    You will need to register an account with McGraw-Hill.
o I will also provide digital copies and handouts of concentrated text throughout semester

2.5 Equipment: (required)
Materials for each assignment will vary. In many instances we will be able to provide raw materials purchased in bulk from your lab fee. However, there will be times when you are expected to purchase materials. There is also some essential equipment that you must own or have immediate access to:
o Hard drive or fast flash drive.  The work we create in this class is mostly digital and must live on some form of device. If you are interested in this field I recommend investing in one or two hard drives. You can never back up your information enough. People lose projects all the time. If you lose a project throughout the semester, we cannot do anything about it. Be sure to have a storage device by the second week of class. You must have a flash/thumb drive (4 Gig minimum). Be warned, armed with only a thumb drive you will have a very hard time completing your projects. It is highly recommended anyone considering continuing with digital art purchase a larger 500+gig external hard drive.
o Some form of sketch book.  Use recycled paper, note cards, trash, lined notebooks, whatever.  Choose a platform to write/draw and be consistent. Plan to use it throughout the entire semester. Use the sketchbook in and out of class to document your entire design process for each project including brainstorms, concept maps, sketches, screenshots, in-progress photos, and photos of your final result. With proper use of your sketchbook and ideation process, “Project Documentation” at the end of each Unit will be much easier.
o An ASU e-mail account and regular access to Black Board system
o A valid and current Sun Card for access to lab

2.6 Project Documentation:
Save all physical and digital files of your work. Be able to articulate your ideation process at any step of the project. Each Unit will require two elements of understanding your work: Visual Documentation and Critical Reflection. A third element (Production) may be incorporated in various Units. Each Units Documentation requirements will vary from Unit to Unit.

o Part 1: Visual Documentation
1. Final photos
•    Save two files. One 72dpi for web, One 300dpi for print
•    Save files as specified in assignment

2. 5-10 images of project process,
•    1000px min, 3000px max
•    Save file as .jpeg, .tiff, .png
These images include
•    Original scans or photographs of ideation, drafts, preparation, mood board
•    1-2 views of final piece
•    Label all files as:  firstname_lastname_u#_explanation.
EX: andrew_noble_u1_a1 So this is Assignment 1 of Unit 1
•    Upload Final photos to your page on class website under subpage “process”
•    Lastly, turn all images into one single digital PDF to be turned in at end of each Unit.

o Part 2: Critical Reflection
Answer with college-level writing in one to two paragraphs, saved as single PDF.
•    Conceptually describe your project
•    Where did you get inspiration for this project?
•    What was challenging about this project and how did you overcome these challenges?

o Part 3: Production
For various projects we will physically produce work at nearby print shops. Details for this part of documentation will be provided when necessary.

Visual Documentation and Critical Reflection will be posted on our website. Place all of your content images on your website. Below your images post your critical reflection.  Each Unit should be one sub-page on your personal webpage.

2.7 Software Proficiency:
This is a foundation course that will introduce several software platforms. Assignments and demos will be given to help students become familiarized with various platforms. The projects we complete in this class will open doors to further exploration. Some students entering the class may be well versatile in these programs.  If you want to receive more difficult assignments, please ask.  If you understand a software component, help your neighbor! The greatest resource we have for learning these programs is ourselves and online forums.  Be sure to contact each other and to troubleshoot problems online. If you run into a problem with software, it is guaranteed that someone else in this class and world has run into the same or similar issue.  Look online and be resourceful.

3.0 Class Notes:

3.1 Contacting the Instructor:
Email me: I am typically quick to respond. In case of conflict, a 24 hour grace period is reserved for the instructor to return any emails. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please send a followup message. Please use professional writing skills in each email and include your name! Be clear and direct with the intent of each email.

3.2 Classroom and Lab Access:
You will need to have your Suncard activated in order to use the “swipe” access for School of Art front door and for Lab 301. You need to do this every semester.
See the following for online “Isaac” form:

3.3 Lab Maintenance:
This lab contains expensive equipment. You are not allowed to have food or beverages (besides water) at the computer desks. This is a shared classroom, so it is important that we clean up after each session. Proper lab maintenance will be monitored and evaluated. It is expected that you will act in a safe manor. Unsafe or destructive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in expulsion from the class. A complete list of safety policies and procedures can be found at:

3.4 Media Storage and Website Pages:
Each student is responsible for the storage and back up of their own files/projects. While there is temporary work space available in the shared folder on each machine, this space is cleared regularly. Do not attempt to use the shared folder as
permanent storage solution. You will need your own storage media device (see section 2.5). Do not keep your projects on the desktop or else they will be deleted automatically.

You will be creating your own set of pages within the official IDM WordPress site. You will need to be invited via email to become a “member’. Then you will be able to upload your own projects and link these projects to an index page with links to
sub-pages that feature your work for the class. Be sure that your instructor have your email address as this will be used to invite you to the site. The site is the primary vehicle for sharing the work you do in this class. Your personal pages should
function as an easy to navigate “e-portfolio” of the work you do over the course of the semester.

4.0 Arizona State University Policies in regards to Intro To Digital:

4.1 Special Accommodations
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the ASU Disability Resource Center ; Phone: (480) 965-1234; TDD: (480) 965-9000). This is a very important step as accommodations may be difficult to make retroactively.   If you have a letter from their office indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, in order to assure that you receive your accommodations in a timely manner, please present this documentation to me no later than the end of the first week of the semester so that your needs can be addressed effectively.

4.2 Code of Conduct:
The ABOR Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote and protect an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change and respect for the rights of all individuals. In keeping with this mission, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff seeks to balance the rights and needs of the individual with responsibility of the individual to meet the needs of the community. In addition, it reviews allegations of student misconduct, determines whether a violation has occurred and if applicable, imposes appropriate sanctions. Students are expected to adhere to the ABOR Student Code of Conduct.
See Student Rights and Responsibilities:

4.3 Classroom Code of Conduct
• You are expected to behave in a responsible manner that allows everyone in the
classroom access to resources and learning. Behavior that disrupts classroom learning
will not be tolerated. If your actions are disrespectful to the Instructor or to other
students, you will be asked to leave and counted absent
• Cell phone and PDA use is prohibited during class unless the Instructor is informed of a pending emergency at the beginning class. These units should be muted or set to vibrate.
• Access to the Internet is permitted ONLY when it is related to the class material.
• Respect should be given at all times to the Instructor, classmates and your working environment. This includes appropriate behavior, language, and use of classroom resources.
• Safety is primary concern for all students to work effectively. You must follow all the safety procedures and guidelines posted in the studio you are working.
• Dressing appropriately for the studio activity that you are engaging in is another important safety factor. This may include no food/drink, open toe shoes, excessively exposing clothing, dangling jewelry, and/or tying hair back.
• At all times you must use the equipment in the studio in the manner it was intended for use and per the instructions of your Instructor.

4.4 Academic Integrity:
The highest standard of academic integrity is expected of all students. The failure of any student to meet these standards may result in suspension or expulsion from the university and/or other sanctions as specified in the academic integrity policies of the individual colleges. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities. The university and college academic integrity policies are available online at
All use of non-original materials is discouraged. However, if non-original material is used, you are responsible for the proper citation and legal usage of the resource. Violations are punishable by assignment failure, class failure (E), or failure due to academic dishonesty (XE) depending on the severity of the infraction.

Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications Policy:

Missed Classes Due to University Sanctioned Activities:

Accommodations for Religious Practices:

Handling Disruptive, Threatening, or Violent Individuals on Campus:

5.0 Important Dates:

6.0 Calendar: (subject to change throughout semester)
28 Total Class Sessions:

1/11: Doodle Time! Critique on First Day Doodles. Intro to Course. Intro to Classmates. Discussion on Daily Routines and Project 1 Preview.
1/13: Vector Intro. Illustrator in-class Demo. Overview of available supplies. In-class review of Adobe Illustrator. Review of Infographics. Exercise: How to take a drawing, scan it, and vectorize it.  Assignment 1: Logo given and is due on January 18th.
1/18: MLK: No class
1/20: Vector Continued. History of the Internet. WIP discussion on infographics.  Discussion on Typography.
1/25: Vector Quiz (trace the word “beautiful”) & Critique on Project 1
1/27: Raster Intro. Adobe Photoshop In-class demo. In-class exercise: How to use a digital camera and how to use a scanner. Assignment Given (photo manipulation: man vs. nature) and is due on February 1st. Protest and Persuasion Project preview.

2/1: Raster University 21st Day. Review of Photo Manipulations. Photo Montage History: Constructivist Design. Discussion on the difference between Vector and Raster.
2/3: Raster Protest and Persuasion Project workday
2/8: Raster Quiz (Combine these two elements) & Critique on Project 2
2/10: Animation Intro.  Animation Demo. Assignment 3 given and is due on February 15th. Stop Motion Project Preview.
2/15: Animation Exercise. Discussion on evolution of history.
2/17: Animation workday
2/22: Animation Quiz & Critique on Project 3
2/24: Sound Intro. In-class Adobe Audition Demo. Assignment given and is due February 29th. Sound Symphony Project Preview.
2/29: Sound Exercise: 1 Hour Sound Journal. Discussion on evolution and significance of sound.

3/2: Sound Symphony workday
3/7: Spring Break
3/9: Spring Break
3/14: Sound Quiz (fix this audio) & Critique on Project 4
3/16: Video Intro. In-class Adobe Premier Demo. Assignment given and is due March 21st. Group Video Collaborative Project Preview. Group Distribution.
3/21: Video Exercise
3/23: Video Discussion on history, significance, and future.
3/28: Video workday
3/30: Video workday

4/4: Video Quiz & Critique on Project 5
4/6: Portfolio Intro. In-class Studio Photography Demo
4/11: Flex Days:
4/13: Flex Days
4/18: Flex Days
4/20: Portfolio / Revisions
4/25: Portfolio / Revisions
4/27: Portfolio Final & Critique on Semester work. Last Day of Class

5/ 2-7: Final Exams
5/ 2-9: Final Grades